I was blessed at Symposium this year to be the recipient of the wonderful LPM Vision Award!
To say it is an honor for me to receive this award is an understatement. To work for a company who has such high standards of excellence and integrity makes getting this award that much sweeter. Shelle and Dave Soelberg, the founders/owners of LPM, spoke and presented me with a plaque to hang in my studio.
"We at Let's Play Music value generosity as a core virtue that improves the condition of both the giver and the receiver, and are pleased to announce that Kimberly Seyboldt has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 Let's Play Music Vision Award. Thank you for your incredible contribution, Kimberly!
Generosity is the virtue of giving good things
to others freely and abundantly. Generosity also
involves giving to others not simply anything
in abundance but rather giving those things
that are good for others. Generosity always
intends to enhance the true wellbeing of those to
whom it gives. And so generosity, like all of the virtues,
is in people's genuine enlightened self-interest
to learn and practice.
~University of Notre Dame, What is Generosity"
Thanks, Let's Play Music, for allowing me to be your visionary teacher of the year. Here is to another great year of enriching children's lives through music!
Honored to have you!!!