Sunday, August 3, 2014

What An Honor

Each year one teacher from the entire company is chosen and given this esteemed award.
I was blessed at Symposium this year to be the recipient of the wonderful LPM Vision Award!

To say it is an honor for me to receive this award is an understatement.  To work for a company who has such high standards of excellence and integrity makes getting this award that much sweeter.  Shelle and Dave Soelberg, the founders/owners of LPM, spoke and presented me with a plaque to hang in my studio. 

"We at Let's Play Music value generosity as a core virtue that improves the condition of both the giver and the receiver, and are pleased to announce that Kimberly Seyboldt has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 Let's Play Music Vision Award.  Thank you for your incredible contribution, Kimberly!


Generosity is the virtue of giving good things 
to others freely and abundantly.  Generosity also 
involves giving to others not simply anything 
in abundance but rather giving those things 
that are good for others.  Generosity always
 intends to enhance the true wellbeing of those to 
whom it gives.  And so generosity, like all of the virtues, 
is in people's genuine enlightened self-interest 
to learn and practice. 

~University of Notre Dame, What is Generosity"

Thanks, Let's Play Music, for allowing me to be your visionary teacher of the year.  Here is to another great year of enriching children's lives through music!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Symposium 2014

Symposium is the awesome time of year when LPM teachers gather together to become better.  I. Love. It.  We attend workshops, laugh, PLAY, sing, be silly, stay up waaaaay too late, and listen to awesome speakers, just to name a few of the haps throughout our 3 day event.

Click on pic to enlarge

This was a room filled with so much talent it was ridiculous!  Our key note speaker on Saturday had all of us stand up and sing together.  Then little by little she had us break off into 4 parts (Solfeg Sea Friends - for those of you who are through the 2nd year)...  It was an AMAZING experience.  I may or may not have had a few tears come to my eyes.  Music is so powerful!  I heard and felt the passion of this room full of Let's Play Music teachers come together in this simple song.  I wish all of you could have heard and felt what I did.  Every year I feel honored to be among such amazing people!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Recital Week

It is time to show off everything we have leaned this year. Our recital will be taking place this Friday, April 25, 2014 at Faith United Church of Christ 1020 Walnut St, Windsor, CO 80550.

We have a slew of third year graduates who will be kicking off the night by playing compositions they wrote all by themselves.   Pretty amazing!  They will play from 5:30 - 6pm.

(Here is a sneak peak of one composition that was written.)

They will be followed by the first year students who will play bells, autoharps and sing about bugs!

Our second year students will show off everything they have learned about how to play songs on the keyboard.

We will finish up by listening to a few more 3rd year students perform their compositions for us.

I can't wait for the kids to show you how far they have come this year.

(This was us last year.  Look how much your kids have grown since last recital!)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Registration Coming Soon

Start thinking about registration for next fall - it is right around the corner.

To help your friends get an idea of how great Sound Beginnings and Let's Play Music are invite them to a current class or to a sample class!

Come try a sample class at the Loveland Library this week on Monday, March 3 at 10am or Thursday, March 6th at 10am.  We will be demonstrating our curriculum for Let's Play Music (starting at 4-6 yrs old) and Sound Beginnings (starting at 2-4 yrs old and their younger siblings).

We will also be at the Windsor Library in May.

During the first year of Let's Play Music we get to play tone bells... well as learn how to strum an autoharp!

The second year is our keyboard prep year.  We begin to understand the layout of the keyboard and how to play chords and scales.

The third year of Let's Play Music is our keyboard mastery year.  We begin to play more complex songs with both hands and we get into some pretty deep theory concepts.

The culminating activity is for each student to compose their own piano piece for the recital!  It doesn't get any better than that!