Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Building Optimal Outcomes

Building Optimal Outcomes

Have you read the Let's Play Music vision statement?  To enrich livesincrease confidencedevelop talentenhance intelligence, and bond parent to child, by providing an outstanding music educational experience for children, usingpremium materials and lessons, taught by superbly trained teachers.

Let's Play Music has a national program designed to bring this vision statement to life with solid results; this optional continuing education program is called BOOST.   BOOST is “Building Optimal Outcomes and Superior Teachers”, and your teacher is likely spending some summer time working on improving herself and her classroom for you!

During her first 3 years of teaching, your teacher is focused on meeting the annual training and rigorous certification requirements accompanying each level of curriculum.  If she demonstrates mastery of the goals and policies each year, she can earn RED level.
As a seasoned teacher of 3 or more years, your teacher will be branching out to participate in continuing education classes each year as well as participating in local music associations, helping students enter composition contests, presenting Let's Play Music at local venues, and increasing her own musical training.  As she meets required goals, she can earn YELLOW level.
After 5 or more years of teaching, your teacher will continue to focus on providing an excellent program for students, reaching out in the community, and improving her skills.  Her teaching will be filmed for critique and the education of newer teachers; her clients will also provide feedback about the quality of the program so she may earn BLUE level.
You'll see your teacher's BOOST status right on her license, as well as on her profile at the corporate website (FIND A TEACHER NEAR YOU).  You know your teacher is busy getting ready to make this next year great for you, so give her a big smile when you see her in a few weeks!

P.S. In case you are wondering, Ms. Kim is Blue BOOST certified! ;)  Thanks to all her students and parents who helped make this possible.

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