Saturday, July 12, 2014

Symposium 2014

Symposium is the awesome time of year when LPM teachers gather together to become better.  I. Love. It.  We attend workshops, laugh, PLAY, sing, be silly, stay up waaaaay too late, and listen to awesome speakers, just to name a few of the haps throughout our 3 day event.

Click on pic to enlarge

This was a room filled with so much talent it was ridiculous!  Our key note speaker on Saturday had all of us stand up and sing together.  Then little by little she had us break off into 4 parts (Solfeg Sea Friends - for those of you who are through the 2nd year)...  It was an AMAZING experience.  I may or may not have had a few tears come to my eyes.  Music is so powerful!  I heard and felt the passion of this room full of Let's Play Music teachers come together in this simple song.  I wish all of you could have heard and felt what I did.  Every year I feel honored to be among such amazing people!