Friday, July 26, 2013

Music Makes You Smarter

Did you know...?  

** Music stimulates the mind, encourages creativity and helps to lay a foundation for learning that leads to higher intelligence and aptitude. 
** Preschoolers who studied piano performed 34% better in spatial and temporal reasoning ability than preschoolers who spent the same amount of time learning to use computers (Rauscher & Shaw. As reported in Neurological Research, February 1997). 
** Preschoolers who took singing and keyboard lessons scored 80% higher on object-assembly tests than students at the same preschool who did not have the music lessons (Rauscher & Shaw. As reported in Symphony, Sept.-Oct. 1996). 
** Listening to Mozart’s Piano Sonata K448 was found to significantly increase spatial scores of college students on IQ tests (Rauscher & Shaw. University of California as reported in Nature). 
** In a study of medical school applicants, 66% of the music majors who applied to medical school were admitted, the highest percentage of any group. Only 44% of the biochemistry majors were admitted (Lewis Thomas, as reported in the Phi Delta Kappan, February 1994). 
** The very best engineers and technical designers in the Silicon Valley industry are, nearly without exception, practicing musicians (Grant Venerable, The Center for the Arts in the Basic Curriculum, New York, 1989).
** For the unborn child, classical music, played at a rhythm of 60 beats per minute, equivalent to that of a resting human heart, provides an environment conducive to creative and intellectual development (
Dr. Thomas Veert, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child). 
** In 1994, it was reported by the college entrance examination board that students with coursework in music performance taking the university entrance exam (SAT) scored 49 points higher on the verbal portion of the test and 36 points higher on the math portion than students with no course work or experience in the arts.
•• It has been shown that high school music students have higher grade point averages than non-music students do in the same school 
(from Time Magazine June 11, 1999). 
•• "It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the rest of musical perception." - Albert Einstein on his Theory of Relativity. 
** Plato once said " is a more potent instrument than any other for education..." Now scientists know why. Music, they believe, trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. After eight months of musical training, 3 year olds were expert puzzle masters, scoring 80% higher than their playmates did in spatial intelligence – the ability to visualize the world accurately. This skill later translates into mathematical/conceptual and engineering skills.  

Music Lessons Make You Smarter! 

Click the registration link above to get smarter.  Sign up today!  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Building Optimal Outcomes

Building Optimal Outcomes

Have you read the Let's Play Music vision statement?  To enrich livesincrease confidencedevelop talentenhance intelligence, and bond parent to child, by providing an outstanding music educational experience for children, usingpremium materials and lessons, taught by superbly trained teachers.

Let's Play Music has a national program designed to bring this vision statement to life with solid results; this optional continuing education program is called BOOST.   BOOST is “Building Optimal Outcomes and Superior Teachers”, and your teacher is likely spending some summer time working on improving herself and her classroom for you!

During her first 3 years of teaching, your teacher is focused on meeting the annual training and rigorous certification requirements accompanying each level of curriculum.  If she demonstrates mastery of the goals and policies each year, she can earn RED level.
As a seasoned teacher of 3 or more years, your teacher will be branching out to participate in continuing education classes each year as well as participating in local music associations, helping students enter composition contests, presenting Let's Play Music at local venues, and increasing her own musical training.  As she meets required goals, she can earn YELLOW level.
After 5 or more years of teaching, your teacher will continue to focus on providing an excellent program for students, reaching out in the community, and improving her skills.  Her teaching will be filmed for critique and the education of newer teachers; her clients will also provide feedback about the quality of the program so she may earn BLUE level.
You'll see your teacher's BOOST status right on her license, as well as on her profile at the corporate website (FIND A TEACHER NEAR YOU).  You know your teacher is busy getting ready to make this next year great for you, so give her a big smile when you see her in a few weeks!

P.S. In case you are wondering, Ms. Kim is Blue BOOST certified! ;)  Thanks to all her students and parents who helped make this possible.